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Fit - Nic
Health & Wellness Education
Complete 4 sets of:
* 10-12 reps - Heavy leg press (drop the weight on the last set)
Complete 4 sets of: SUPERSET
* 10 reps/leg - Heavy lunges (free weight or on smith machine)
* 10-15 reps/leg - Step ups onto box (with dumbells)
Complete 4 sets of: SUPERSET
* 15 reps - Vertical leg press (narrow feet placement)
* Weighted sled run
* 20 reps - Walking lunges (hold weight plate above head)
Complete 3 sets of: SUPERSET
10 reps - Wide stance low squats (slow tempo down with glute sqeeze at top of the motion)
10 reps - Narrow stance low squates (drop the weight)
20 reps - Jump Lunges
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