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Today we are bombarded with so much information about nutrition. Big words being thrown at us left right and center. However, no one really takes the time to explain to us ‘WHAT’ these words mean, ‘WHY’ they are important, ‘WHERE’ we can find them and ‘HOW’ we can incorporate it into our diets, in a way we can UNDERSTAND!

If I asked you have you heard of anti-oxidants? I’m sure you would nod your head and say ‘yeah, sure, I’ve heard of them’. Now if I asked you ‘What are anti-oxidants and what are they important for?’ Would you be able to answer me? Most people wouldn’t. So, here is a simple explanation of the role of anti-oxidants and an easy way to incorporate these powerful minerals into your diet.

Anti-oxidants are the compounds found in various foods that neutralize and stop ‘free radicals’ in the body damage and breakdown our cells. Free radicals are unstable molecules that can be caused from cooking and various physiological and environmental factors. (I will dive into free radicals in more detail in a later post). So essentially, anti-oxidants are important for stopping bad reactions & breakdown of our cells. That seems important!

So WHERE can we find anti-oxidants? Well, you know all those beautiful, fresh, colourful fruit and vegetables we hear so much about? THEM! So not only do fruit and vegetables help with a massive range of other functions in our body, but the lovely green, red and black sources in particular are high in anti-oxidants which help with our internal health.

Foods such as:

- Blackberries

- Strawberries

- Blueberries

- Eggplant (skin on)

- Kale

- Spinach

- Broccoli

- Prunes

- Olives

- Tomatoes

- As well as legumes

Essentially, in a nutshell, the easiest way to ensure you are incorporating these ‘radical scavenging’ anti-oxidant rich foods into your diet, is to eat ‘the colours of the rainbow’. If you can look at your plate and it smiles with colour, then you are on the free radical fighting bandwagon to good health and vitality! Can’t complain with that! WOOHOO!!

Here is a ‘Anti-oxidant’ rich recipe of mine you can try! Full recipe on my ‘Main Meals’ recipe page.

‘Kale & Spinach Salad with Coconut Oil’


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