45 minutes of HIIT
45 minutes of High Intensity Interval Training
Try this workout to add 'variety' to your boring exercise routine. It is guaranteed to send your heart rate through peaks and troughs, leave you with fatigued muscles, send lactic acid coursing through your body and sweat dripping down your face.
High Intensity Interval Training (HIIT) is a very difficult form of exercise, which can leave an individual feeling very unwell during a session. This is because the body is not accustomed to dealing with the large build up of lactic acid. This by product can stop an athlete dead in their tracks.
However, with regular exposure to these types of training methods, the body adapts to the presence of lactic acid and is able to metabolise it and break it down more efficiently. Therefore, as an athlete, you are able to increase the intensity of your workouts as you increase your overall fitness.
Give this one a try!